All For Paws Dog Treat Hider Bull Body

Padovan Grandmix Criceti (Hamster) - Weight : 400g
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>11.55</bdi></span>
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- Size: L 21 x W 12.5 x H 10 cm
- Dogs like cuddly toys, but they are also a big fan of treats.
- Cute playful plush characters with a twist,
- A big rubbery mouth where treats can be hidden.
- Keeps your furry baby busy and active
- Helps to make your furry baby smarter
- Size: L 21 x W 12.5 x H 10 cm
- Dogs like cuddly toys, but they are also a big fan of treats.
- Cute playful plush characters with a twist,
- A big rubbery mouth where treats can be hidden.
- Keeps your furry baby busy and active
- Helps to make your furry baby smarter
AED 45.00
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