Buster Stainless Steel bowl blue base 0.85L 23cm
Buster Stainless Steel Bowl Blue Base 1.70ltr 29 cm
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>67.00</bdi></span>
In stock
- Buster Stainless Steel bowl blue base 0.85L 23cm
- Simple and stylish steel bowls with a mat finish on the outside
- Blank finish on the inside.
- The bowls have a silicone ring welded to the bottom of the bowl that makes sure the bowl is fixed when the dog/cat eats.
- Easy to clean and wash
- Buster Stainless Steel bowl blue base 0.85L 23cm
- Simple and stylish steel bowls with a mat finish on the outside
- Blank finish on the inside.
- The bowls have a silicone ring welded to the bottom of the bowl that makes sure the bowl is fixed when the dog/cat eats.
- Easy to clean and wash
AED 52.00
In stock