Dig it – Foldable Feeding / Treat Mat For Dogs
All For Paws Long Fluff Wand Green Cat Toy
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>19.50</bdi></span>
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- Encourages natural foraging Skills
- Put's your dogs nose and brain to work
- Great for your pets stress release
- Slow down their eating way with the Dig It mat.
- Stimulated to get their food out of the mat
- Encourages natural foraging Skills
- Put’s your dogs nose and brain to work
- Great for your pets stress release
- Slow down their eating way with the Dig It mat.
- Stimulated to get their food out of the mat
AED 66.00
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