Flamingo Arena Cat Litter Bag 5pcs (Jumbo)
Flamingo Arena Cat Litter Bags 10pcs (Maxi)
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>19.00</bdi></span>
In stock
- 5 pcs – For cat toilet: 45 x 55 cm
- With drawstring liners
- Easily removeable
- Helps to keep the tray clean and stain free
- Cat litter granules don't leak through the Bags
- 5 pcs – For cat toilet: 45 x 55 cm
- With drawstring liners
- Easily removeable
- Helps to keep the tray clean and stain free
- Cat litter granules don’t leak through the Bags
AED 21.00
In stock