Georplast Soft Touch Stainless Steel Single Bowl Small Navy Blue
Georplast Paletta Dotty Cat Litter Scoop Blue
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>7.50</bdi></span>
In stock
- Soft bowl-holder with a stainless steel bowl inside.
- Small: 20x20x3,5h,
- Firm grip on the ground
- Will not slide while eating
- 230ml quantity
- Easy to wash
- Easy to separate the bowl from the holder
- Soft bowl-holder with a stainless steel bowl inside.
- Small: 20x20x3,5h,
- Firm grip on the ground
- Will not slide while eating
- 230ml quantity
- Easy to wash
- Easy to separate the bowl from the holder
AED 25.20
In stock