GiGwi Suppa Puppa Racoon Squeaker / Crincle inside Dog Toy

GiGwi Suppa Puppa Lion Squeaker / Crincle inside Dog Toy
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>27.00</bdi></span>
In stock
- Interactive toy.
- Helpful in distractions and chewing
- Perfect for Doggies Mouth
- Ideal for sensory development
- Provides comfort and companionship
- Fights boredom
- Helps with behavioural problems and anxiety.
- Also, it’s the cutest thing to see.
- Interactive toy.
- Helpful in distractions and chewing
- Perfect for Doggies Mouth
- Ideal for sensory development
- Provides comfort and companionship
- Fights boredom
- Helps with behavioural problems and anxiety.
- Also, it’s the cutest thing to see.
AED 27.00
In stock