M-PETS Double Ended Toothbrush
M-Pets Zany Cat Eco Collar Red & Black
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>15.00</bdi></span>
In stock
- M-Pets dual headed dental hygiene brushes
- Give you a small brush and a large brush on the two end of one brush.
- These work for both small and large breed pets.
- Helps keep your pets teeth clean
- Reduces the formation of Tartar
- M-Pets dual headed dental hygiene brushes
- Give you a small brush and a large brush on the two end of one brush.
- These work for both small and large breed pets.
- Helps keep your pets teeth clean
- Reduces the formation of Tartar
AED 18.00
In stock