M-PETS Eli Ecco Dog Toy
M-PETS Dennis Ecco Dog Toy
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>25.50</bdi></span>
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- M-PETS Ecco Dog Toys are specially designed to help protect the environment
- By only using fiber from repurposed plastic bottles.
- Elli Ecco Dog Toy is squeaky plushie made with recycled polyester jute rope and plastic
- That your canine buddy will definitely enjoy and keep them occupied for a long time!
- Long Lasting
- M-PETS Ecco Dog Toys are specially designed to help protect the environment
- By only using fiber from repurposed plastic bottles.
- Elli Ecco Dog Toy is squeaky plushie made with recycled polyester jute rope and plastic
- That your canine buddy will definitely enjoy and keep them occupied for a long time!
- Long Lasting
AED 45.00
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