Paw Print Design Pet Training / Feeding Toy
Armitage Good Boy TENDER BEEF FILLETS - 90G
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>31.00</bdi></span>
In stock
- Size - 25 cm
- Blue Colour
- Paw Design
- Helps in slow feeding and training
- Helps pets to eat the food slowly
- Keeps them engrossed and busy
- Keeps the activity levels up.
- Size – 25 cm
- Blue Colour
- Paw Design
- Helps in slow feeding and training
- Helps pets to eat the food slowly
- Keeps them engrossed and busy
- Keeps the activity levels up.
AED 65.00
In stock