Savic Comfort Nappy Disposable Diaper Size 4 Dogs/ Puppy
Savic Comfort Nappy Disposable Diaper Small Size 3 Dogs/ Puppy
<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">AED </span>48.00</bdi></span>
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- Comfort Nappy is super absorbent and disposable diaper
- Diaper has black outer layer so nothing will show through
- Useful for untrained puppies, bitches in heat
- Also, used by nervous and incontinent dogs
- The nappy will help prevent your puppy from soiling the carpet, floor and sofa
- Offers optimal protection as it contains super absorbent gel and dry's quickly
- Due to faster drying and super absorbance your dog will be free from irritation and infections
- Measure circumference of your dogs belly to choose the right size
- This size is applicable for dogs 40- 48 cms
- Comfort Nappy is super absorbent and disposable diaper
- Diaper has black outer layer so nothing will show through
- Useful for untrained puppies, bitches in heat
- Also, used by nervous and incontinent dogs
- The nappy will help prevent your puppy from soiling the carpet, floor and sofa
- Offers optimal protection as it contains super absorbent gel and dry’s quickly
- Due to faster drying and super absorbance your dog will be free from irritation and infections
- Measure circumference of your dogs belly to choose the right size
- This size is applicable for dogs 40- 48 cms
AED 50.00
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