Hey, Pet Parents summer is here, we welcome that time of the year when evening walks are longer and our furry baby’s love to be in water. This also means that one needs to take extra care of their pet’s health. Buckle up as it is necessary to prevent and protect your pets from the issue caused due to summer heat.
Here are a few tips to make sure your pets have fun and are safe during summer.
Clean water bowl available always –
Summer heat can be quite unforgiving and can cause dehydration, it is always advisable to always keep clean water bowl available. Also, please make sure when you go out for walks to carry pet water bottles. Water Bowls & Water Bottles

Summertime is generally when ticks and fleas make their presence felt on your furry babies, its better to be prepared and take precautions by everyday checking them thoroughly. Use of certain sprays and shampoos can also help prevent them from the parasites.

Pet’s Paws need to be always kept cool –
The amount of time your pet is outdoors needs to be monitored, especially in summers. As their paws are extra sensitive the sun can have a damaging effect on them. Paw butter can be used to keep their paws healthy. Paw boots are another option but sometimes pets are uncomfortable wearing them.
Keep your pets body temperature in check with cooling mats-
As pets have a higher body temperature and more fur than us humans, they need to be kept cool at all times. A way of doing this is through Cooling Mats. Check them out now.

Fresh Fruits –
This one is specifically meant for dogs. As fruits contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they help in keeping our pets hydrated and also in keeping their body temperatures in check. The following fruits can be given –
- Seedless watermelon
- Blueberries
- Apples without seeds and skin
- Cucumber
- Carrot
- Mango without the seed and skin.
The above-mentioned fruits should be given in moderate quantity only and if the pets are allergic to any of the fruits mentioned then please do avoid it.
We hope a very joyful and happy summer for you and your pets.